nedjelja, 28. rujna 2014.

Baby shower

Hey guys so I haven't posted anything for a month almost but I really have good reason this time.
 I find out few weeks ago me and my hubby will become parents!!
Since I'm very petite I can't take it very well as some other mothers to be so I didn't feel very well for a while but the first trimester is almost over I feel much better so I decided to get back to my regular routine.

This time I can say thanks to SHEINSIDE for my whole outfit I really hope you will like it if you do I have left links for you at the end of this post,hugs!

Skoro mjesec je prosao od kad sam objavila poslednji outfit ali ovaj put imam zaista dobar razlog.
Neki od vas vec znaju ali ja i muz smo  prosli mjesec saznali da cemo postati roditelji!
Jako smo sretni i uzbudjeni ali i uplaseni u isto vrijeme jer obzirom da se nas dvoje ionako ponasamo kao djeca nisam sigurna kako cemo se brinuti za jos jedno dijete :D ( muz cesto kaze da vec ima jedno dijete,mene)

Iako sam uvijek govorila da nisam ljubitelj djece odnosno onog skolskog uzrasta sasvim je drugacija prica kada vidite to malo bice koje je plod vase ljubavi prvi put na monitoru ili prvi pokret .
Obzirom da sam jako sitna imala sam problema sa mucninama kao i vecina uostalom ali zaista mi je provodjenje vremena za racunarom bilo poslednje na umu tako da sam zapostavila blog u potpunosti.
Srecom prvi trimestar je dosao kraju i ja se osjecam mnogo bolje odlucila sam da nastavim tamo gdje sam stala.

Za ovaj outfit u potpunosti mogu zahvaliti SHEINSIDE ,nadam se da ce vam se dopasti,ukoliko je tako ostavila sam vam linkove na kraju posta.

četvrtak, 4. rujna 2014.


Summer is almost over so I must use this few days that have left and wore as much as summer clothes so for last Sunday brunch I choose this amazing ROMWE dress and my new fav pair of sandals from Milanno .Outfit is very light and comfy just the way I like it!

srijeda, 3. rujna 2014.


Purple is one of my favourite colors for autumn and my obsession with tank tops this summer has escalated into having 3 pieces in every color,I really don't have time to wear them all!
So if you like my top or you want to see more styles you must visit Sheinside ,and this outfit wouldn't be complete if it wasn't for this amazing shorts I recived from Black five so make sure to check them out.

nedjelja, 31. kolovoza 2014.

Bon jour

Since a lot of my friends are asking me where did I get these pants my secret is Sammy dress and for this amazing shirt I must say thank you to Persunmall I simply love it! Also I'm wearing today my favourite jacket  thanks to ROMWE

srijeda, 27. kolovoza 2014.

Sky blue

 I've lost pictures of this outfit by accident  and these 2 are everything I have left .
The shirt is from Oasap and shorts is from Chicwish