Given the fact that I spent a month in Sarajevo, where I had almost no access to the internet I finally got a chance to something and to write.
I met great people and I must admit that this month in Sarajevo was an unforgettable expiriance.Considering the fact I had so much work to do I didnt had many opportunities to take pictures and dress up but I hope that these pics will menage to describe my stay there, even though time is not exactly served.
S obzirom na cinjenicu da sam provela mjesec dana u Sarajevu gdje nisam imala skoro nikakav pristup internetu konacno sam dobila priliku da nesto i napisem.
Upoznala sam super ljude i moram priznati da je ovaj mjesec dana u Sarajevu bio nezaboravno iskustvo.Od silnog posla nisam imala puno prilika da se slikam i sredjujem ali ja se nadam da ce ove slikice docarati moj boravak tamo iako vrijeme bas i nije posluzilo.