Bila jednom jedna mala blogerka iz male zemlje kojoj je zivotni san bio da ima bar jedne jeffrey campbell Lita-s,ali solestruck je rasprodao sve boje koje je zelila i ona je bila jaaako tuzna.Medjutim ona nije odustajala svaki dan je ponovo ulazila na istu stranicu gledala iste cizmice i molila da jednog dana se vrate ponovo.I tako jedne snijezne noci udje ona na stranicu kao i svakoga dana i gle,desilo se cudo,dostupne su jedne u tacno onoj boji koju je ona zelila i bile su njen broj .
Njenoj sreci nije bilo kraja dala je poslednje novce koje je imala i cekala ih je svaki dan.
I sve bi bilo kao u bajci da jednog dana nije dosao strasni ciko iz poste i uzeo joj jos 100 km za porez.Ali ona se nije predala nekako je skupila prije plate i odnijela svoj bebice kuci.I zivjele su sretno do kraja zivota,cica mica gotova je prica XOXO
Once upon a time there was a small bloger from a small country where life's dream was to have at least one Jeffrey Campbell Lita-s, but solestruck sold out all the colors she wanted, and she was veeery sad.But she did not give up each day she entered the same sites facing the same boots and prayed that one day return again.And one snowy night she went to the site as every day, and behold, a miracle happened, one were available in a color that is exactly the one she wants, and they were her number.
Her joy knew no bounds and she gave the last money she had and waited for them every day.
And everything would be like in a fairy tale that one day didnt came a man from the post and it took another 70 USDfor taxes.But she somehow raise the money and run away their babies kuci.And she lived lived happily ever after, XOXO